After more than 2 years of extensive work, we are glad to announce that the first two episodes of our web series “A Billion to One” are now live on YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo (and coming soon to Amazon Prime and other platforms.)
“A Billion to One” aims to achieve the most diverse cast in television history. The dramatic series follows dozens of characters created by our award-winning, international team of filmmakers.
Be a part of this unique and intriguing story about a dying billionaire who has decided to give his fortune to a total stranger. Hopeful people around the world are given the chance to convince the billionaire why they deserve his immense wealth. But as news of this fantastic opportunity spreads across the globe, doubt is quickly cast on the validity of these rumors and the billionaire’s true motives.
Watch now on YouTube
Also available on Facebook and Vimeo.
(Coming soon to Amazon)